The Cedar of Dainagon


There was a lazy and deceptive monk named Dainagon. One day, he went alone to the training hall of Fudo Myo-o (the Buddha who expels evil spirits) and while taking a nap as usual, he dreamed of himself being attacked by Fudo Myo-o with a sword. Waking up in anger, he hit the statue of Fudo Myo-o in front of him and tied it up with rope. Later, he went to the river bank to fetch some water. When he was about to scoop it, somebody shouted “Dainagon!” The moment he looked up at the voice, his body was torn in half in the air. His head was then hung over a cedar tree. Nobody knows if it was the judgment of Fudo Myo-o or a punishment by the mountain spirit (Karasu-Tengu). At some point, Daisenji began to call this tree “the Cedar of Dainagon,” and never named their disciples Dainagon. Now there are two big cedars standing in place of the original cedar tree. If you look up between the two cedars, you will see a place called “Tengu Residence.”

